Challenges are what make life interesting!
This past week of weather has been pretty great, but a few of our staff members that have been installing vinyl graphics outside would probably beg to differ.
We love getting projects that we get to see through from design to installation – so rewarding! Our neighbours at Artisan Design Build came to us with a vision of how they wanted to show of their new building space and we immediately dove into designing vinyl graphics for the front of their property. The eight beautiful, big windows at the front of their building act as the perfect canvas to showcase a selection of their custom design homes, while maintaining their clean, modern image.
The challenge with this project, was the installation. Let’s just say, vinyl isn’t very forgiving when it’s freezing cold out. In order to install the vinyl graphics on the windows at Artisan, we needed to get tarps, heaters, the whole she-bang! As you can see from the photos below, it was a tricky process, but the finished product is looking great. So far we’ve decaled half the windows, and are now moving the tarps and heaters in order to do the next set.