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Bannerstands & Displays

Phoenix Group/Casino Regina.
Custom display including wall banner, coroplast desk front and wall graphics.

Ochapowace First Nation.
8'x10' display with graphic panels.

Satori Communications.
Custom built whiskey display.

PowerPin Inc.
Digitally printed, graphic panels for tabletop display

Regina Pats.
8'x10' fabric tension display.

Canadian Bison Association.
10' pop-up display with graphic panels.

Saskatchewan Union of Nurses.
Fabric tension display.

Rawclo Radio Prince Albert.
Digitally printed, replacement graphic panels for 8'x8' pop-up displays.

Harvard Broadcasting.
Digitally printed, graphic panels for pop-up display.

Prairie Mobile Communications.
Digitally printed, bannerstand graphic.

Great Western Brewing Company.
Digitally printed, bannerstand graphics.

Great Western Brewing Company.
Digitally printed, bannerstand graphic.
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